
Friday, March 09, 2012

Day 69: Deuteronomy 31:8

"Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; He will neither fail you nor abandon you." ~Deuteronomy 31:8, NLT

I like this verse. In fact, I really like all the verses where Moses tells Joshua to be "strong and courageous," even though this isn't exactly one of them. But it is Moe talking to Josh, and it is a promise that God made to Joshua, and makes to His people. He won't just send an angel ahead, He "personally" with see to it that what needs to happen, happens if we obey Him. He says "do not be afraid or discouraged" by anything that the world and/or the Devil can throw in your face.

We have to choose to not be afraid or discouraged by the things that happen in life. We have to choose to believe that God is personally going ahead of us. We have to choose to believe that He will be with us, that He will never fail us or abandon us - even if all of the human evidence says otherwise. We say "I have to choose" because these things won't "just happen" by accident. They'd probably never happen on their own, because these are the things that the Devil doesn't want anybody to believe. If I lived my life in the full confidence and knowledge that God is ahead of me, that He's with me, and that He'll never really fail or leave me (even though it may feel like it) would the Devil stand a chance? No! His lies wouldn't even register in my mind. Alas that I am human.

I'd like to tell you today, "don't worry, don't let life get you down. You don't belong here on this Earth, Jesus has gone ahead and prepared a home for you in Heaven. He will be with you because He loves you, and even if He doesn't do things the way you wished He would, hold on to the undeniable fact that He will never leave you alone to fend for yourself, and that He will never ever let you down in the long run. Whatever trials you face today, rest assured that you will be able to look back someday (maybe even tomorrow) and marvel at how God took care of you."

Image: Fotopedia

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