
Friday, September 21, 2012

Day 265: John 6:20

"But he said to them, 'It is I; don't be afraid.'" ~John 6:20, NIV

This story should sound really familiar, since we've already heard the story from some of the other gospels... (wait for it!) It's Jesus walking on the water.

Here we go again. He's just fed five thousand+ people with five loaves of bread and two small fish. He knows the people think He's the Messiah - but in their terms, as that King who will overthrow the Romans. He knows these people don't want God, they want a worldly gift. So He goes off to a mountain on His own to pray, sending the disciples off. 

They're on the lake, and so He decides to walk to meet them. Which is no big deal, except for, well, they're on the lake. Walking on water isn't something that's ever been done before, or ever since (that I'm aware of).

God wants to do a lot of stuff like that in your life. Maybe not literally bending the laws of physics, but things that haven't been done before. And it's pretty scary when that happens to you. But Jesus wants to reassure you, when that happens, that it's okay: it's His plan, His spirit prompting you.

This takes discernment, telling whether it's God telling you to do something or not. But take courage, and believe that when you step out in faith, God won't let you drown. Amen?

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