
Sunday, September 02, 2012

Day 246: Psalm 112:1

"Praise the Lord. Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who find great delight in his commands." ~Psalm 112:1, NIV

I've mentioned before that the awesome thing about worship is that it forces us to change our focus. Praising God for His goodness makes us look past all the rough patches in our circumstances and see that it's temporary, that He's still good, and that these things take time.

And in that, we can see that there are benefits to trusting God in everything, to ignoring our fears. This verse tells us not only to look past ourselves in praise, but also that we who can find it within ourselves to surrender to Him are blessed. Obeying God's call to worship isn't so He can be fulfilled by us - we can't do anything for Him. Worship is to God, but mostly for us.

Crazy, but it's for us to see how small and puny we are and how great He is, regardless of situation. And we get a blessing when we can look up at Him instead of at our feet. God blesses those who love Him, and loves all no matter what. He wants to cultivate a proper spirit within us so that we His children can be more like Him. And He gives hope. Delight. A promise to never leave us.

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