
Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 254: 1 Samuel 12:20

"'Do not be afraid,' Samuel replied. 'You have done all this evil; yet do not turn away from the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your heart.'" ~1 Samuel 12:20, NIV

So in 1 Samuel the people of Israel decide that they want a king like all of the other nations around them. They bother and bother and bother the local prophet Samuel about it. God's not too happy, because it means the people don't trust Him enough to be their "king", and it makes them like the nations around them, which makes it hard for us current historians to tell Israel apart from those other nations archeologically.

But eventually God says yes. Then the people realize what madness has overtaken them, and they become terrified. God was their king, and they spurned Him. But Samuel comforts the people as we can be comforted today.

Don't be afraid, even though you have messed up; keep doing good and serve God with all of your heart.

See, the fact of the matter is that we have all messed up big time. If God were not merciful, we should have been smitten off the Earth like Sodom and Gomorrah. But that's just the thing. God is merciful. So even though we don't deserve peace, through Jesus we can have forgiveness, pick ourselves back up again and go at serving God with all that we are.

Even though we should be hopeless cases, God doesn't see us that way. He just wants to know us so He can bless us. But that can only happen at our choice, thanks to (or because of) free will. So don't be afraid because of your miffs. Take courage, because God loves you.

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