
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Day 264: Isaiah 11:2

"The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him—the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord" ~Isaiah 11:2, NIV

A lot of times in old testament books, especially prophetic books, we can hear about the Messiah, the one to come and save Israel, the descendant of David that would rescue Israel. Isaiah 11 starts out talking about this Messiah - and we know he meant Jesus.

So when we read "the Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him," we know it means that God's Spirit did rest on Him, and that thanks to His gift of the Holy Spirit, we can have that gift too. The Holy Spirit that fell on the day of pentecost and is now available to all who ask Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understand, of counsel and might, of the knowledge of the fear of the Lord - we can have that upon us too.

And that Spirit made Jesus who He was - fearless, God-serving, sinless, bold and absolutely certain of His message - we as Christ's followers and children of God are called to carry that same spirit about us. How else can we follow in His footsteps? How else can we experience the prince's peace?

How else if not by the same spirit, described in Isaiah that every Christian can have?

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