Here we go, another explicit command to "fear not." Yay! I will follow God's directive, I will complete His orders! I love the emphasis He puts on not being afraid - "But I'm telling you." I'm telling you, God will protect you! What are your fears? I'm telling you, God can get you out of it. Don't be afraid, silly!
To continue, Moses (I'm pretty sure he's the one writing Deuteronomy...) reminds us to remember all of the things God has already done for us. It's like learning from someone else's mistake. If they make the mistake, and you learn from it, then you will avoid that mistake and you won't have to learn the lesson for yourself, wasting time and effort and energy by doing so. By remembering what God did for me or Moses in the past, I can predict that He can do it again in the future. The fact that God is "like a photograph, never changing," to quote FM Static, helps here too. God doesn't change, and if He rescued His people in distress yesterday, He'll rescue them today too. And even if God doesn't rescue me in the same way, (He saved Israel from Egypt one way, from Babylon and Assyria in different ways. I mean, it's the same scenario: He's rescuing Israel from bondage to a super-country. But He does it three different ways!) He still will respond to those who call on Him! It reminds me of Narnia... in Prince Caspian when Lucy meets Aslan she wants Him to charge in and save the day. Aslan says, however, that He doesn't ever do things the same way twice. He still saves Narnia, and returns peace to the land. But He didn't charge in the way he did it in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.
So, if I'm afraid that at my new school I won't have any friends... I can look back to when I moved to Poland. God provided friends then - some of my best, as a matter of fact. He'll do it again when I move back to America. :) I suppose that's just the way He rolls.
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