
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 26: Romans 8:15

"The Spirit we received does not make us slaves again to fear; it makes us children of God. With that Spirit we cry out 'Father.'" ~Romans 8:15 NCV

When I accepted Christ into my heart, I was freed from sin. My slavery to the evil of the world was broken. I am no longer required to act and react the way the world does. In fact, as a child of God, I should be listening to God's specific instruction and act in accordance with His Spirit.

And Paul is telling the Romans above that God's Spirit doesn't put us back in the days of Moses - we don't have to be afraid that if we mess up and don't put a lamb to death that God's going to send us to Hell. We will mess up. Life isn't about how many times you do or don't sin, it's about whether or not you have Jesus to stick up for you and forgive you when you mess up. Not if we sin, WHEN we sin. Obviously once we've got Jesus in our lives, we should be changing, becoming "a new creation" that desires God's presence, a desire that can only come true when we have no sin.

So the Spirit of God will help us avoid sins, and thus we have nothing to fear! Well. We're not required to be afraid, in any case. We get to live in the fullness of God's Spirit, a fearless place.

Image: Growing

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