
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 11: 2 Chronicles 15:7

"But it's different with you. Be strong. Take heart. Payday is coming!" ~ 2 Chronicles 15:7 MSG

Israel has a history as sad as Poland's in a lot of ways. Admittedly as God's holy people, they do have so many great things that happened to those who obeyed God. But when they went down the path of unrighteousness - things really got dirty for them. Splitting Israel was one of those times that really tugs my heart. King Asa, a King of Judah, was one of those few kings who did obey God. And God honored that.

In the chapter leading up to this verse, a prophet named Azariah is moved by the Spirit to go tell Asa a couple of promises from God. "God will stick with you as long as you stick with him," he tells the king in verse 2. "If you look for Him He will let Himself be found." Azariah describes the decrepit state of the nation at the time. "At that time it was a dog-eat-dog world," he says in verse 5. "Nation battered nation, city pummeled city. God let loose every sort of trouble on them," verse 6.

"But it's different with you. Be strong. Take heart."

We've got Jesus now - we're different from the world. We once acted like the world - every man for himself. And it's a terribly frightening world to live in. It's always, "What if...?" There's no constant. But it's different now. We've got Jesus. And He says be strong - take heart. "I have overcome the world!" (John 16:33) We might live in the world, but we also live in the one who made the world. And that One is telling us to be strong. To take heart. Payday is coming for the unrighteous, for those who try to tear us away from God. Stand strong until the end!

Take courage, little heart, your God Loves you.

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