
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 25: Jeremiah 46:27

"But you, dear Jacob my servant, you have nothing to fear. Israel, there's no need to worry. Look up! I'll save you from that far country, I'll get your children out of the land of exile. Things are going to be normal again for Jacob, safe and secure, smooth sailing." ~Jeremiah 46:27 MSG

In chapter 46, Jeremiah is blasting Egypt with prophecies of gloom and doom for the proud nation. Egypt is getting ready to attack Babylon, but Jeremiah predicts a horrid loss. "The whole world will hear your anguished cries," verse 12 proclaims. "Egypt will be set back a thousand years," verse 26 foretells. And then God turns His attention back to His people - for all of the trouble He's going to put Egypt in through Babylon, Israel has "nothing to fear." God's people have no need to worry.

"Look up! I'll save you from that far country!" Look up and remember who you're serving! Keep your eyes trained on Jesus, who brought you away from your passport country and will save you no matter where you are! Keep your focus on Jesus, who has made you a citizen of Heaven, and remember He'll save you from the citizenship of Earth! Don't do what Israel did, and think that Egypt can save you. There is no power that can match Jesus, and your steps will falter in the waters on the world when you lose sight of Him. He's brought you to the surface, you're walking on top of it all.

Whatever "normal" is, God will put it back in your life, safe and secure in the arms of God, He'll help you glide across the choppy waters. Or at least He'll take the abnormality of your current situation and make it normal for you.

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