
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 14: Isaiah 41:6

"The workers help each other and say to each other 'Be strong!''' ~Isaiah 41:6 NCV

Sounds kinda like a beehive. The worker bees go around working, giving each bee only as much work as it can handle, helping one bee bring back as much pollen from one spot as possible. 'Bee strong!' they might tell each other. (Sorry, I couldn't help it!)

Anyways, moving onto the point. If we are the body of Christ, we should probably be following this example. Let's re-write the above verse in the context of the Church. "The members help each other and say to each other, 'Be strong in the Lord!'" Each member of the body should help other members, to grow, to stand firm, to love Jesus. Each member should encourage other members to "Be strong!" If one member sees another one fall, they should go help them back up again. We're not in this body alone, we're not the only child of Christ. We have siblings, and they might be struggling. So we are to be God's hands and feet and help them through. Help them put their eyes back on Jesus. Help them overcome their struggles. And when it's our turn, they'll help us. It's teamwork. Watch your brother's back. It's God's will, isn't it? Otherwise why would he have given you a brother?

Remember to sow what you want to reap. Sow courage. Reap courage. Ask God to help your brother. It is so important to remember our siblings, because that is a testimony to the world about our Jesus! Do you think the world gets a good image when one brother puts down or completely ignores another? Do you think God is pleased? No! Do you think Satan is? Oooooh yes. And if we're pleasing Satan... we're just giving him another foothold to consume our lives in fear.

Oops. Let's not let that mistake happen in our lives.

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