
Friday, November 09, 2012

Day 314: Hebrews 11:23

"By faith Moses' parents hid him for three months after he was born, because they saw he was no ordinary child, and they were not afraid of the king's edict." ~Hebrews 11:23, NIV

In this passage of Hebrews, James is talking about different people in history who have had extraordinary faith that made them righteous in God's eyes. Unsurprisingly, Moses and his parents are listed.

From the beginning of time, God has ordained certain people to do certain things. Way back in the Old Testament, He had already chosen people like Noah, Abraham, Joseph, all the kings and prophets, and of course Moses, to do His will. These people were special, anyone could see it. The first three examples knew, heard, and obeyed God's voice. It was clear to see, but in Moses' case, it probably wasn't just adoring parents who saw something more: I suspect God had placed that "something" upon His chosen servant.

Moses' parents were just doing what all godly people should: hearing the voice of God and obeying it. In doing His will, we are right with God, even if not with the authorities of the world. But that shouldn't matter - yes, obey authority, but more than that, we are called to obey God.

Don't spurn Earthly authority, for it is a shadow of God's authority, but don't obey it if it runs in contrast to what God and His word show. Who knows - your fearless obedience may be what frees a captive nation from their bonds.

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