
Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 55: Joel 2:21

"Don't be afraid, my people. Be glad now and rejoice, for the Lord has done great things." ~Joel 2:21 NLT

I don't know about you, but I am a person. Better than that, I am a person of God. What is the Bible saying to ME then? (And you, if you've decided that you're a person.) Don't be afraid. But more than that, it's saying to be glad NOW and rejoice! Fear and gladness/rejoicing don't really go together. I suppose that's why God suggests (commands) that we replace our fear with them. Fear makes me sad. So the opposite of sadness is obviously happiness!

It's one thing to be "happy" - to smile and laugh and seem jovial - and to BE happy. Happiness is an emotion deep inside that I can't snap my fingers at. Sure, I can put on a smile and I can force a laugh (I am after all, an actor on many levels) but to BE happy, glad, to rejoice of my own accord... that takes some serious choosing. Because I believe we can choose my emotions, but if we're afraid, why in the world would we choose to reject the body's defense mechanisms?

Because God says so. And He's done great things, so He'll DO great things. For those who wait, in any case.

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