"Then God said 'I am God, the God of your father. Don't be afraid to go to Egypt, because I will make your descendants a great nation there.'" ~Genesis 46:3 NCV

In the NCV, Genesis 46:1-3 sounds a lot like the story of Samuel, except that Jacob already knew to say "Here I am," and God was blessing him instead of warning him. I could definitely take example from Old Testament heroes - when God was calling, instead of wondering, "herm, where could that be coming from? Is it the Lord!?" they just obediently gave themselves up to use by God, saying, "Here I am." I'm thinking Moses, I'm thinking Jacob, I'm thinking Samuel specifically, but *if* I took the time too look I'm sure I could find more examples. It's a very prevalent phenomenon, one we should take into consideration a little more often.
Anyways, Jacob has just found out from the brothers that Joseph is alive and has invited the ENTIRE household to Egypt to tide over in the famine. Jacob is sleeping, and God comes to him in a vision.
"Jacob, Jacob."
"Here I am."
"Don't be afraid to go into Egypt, I promise, I've got BIG plans for your children there."
So Jacob went.
When God is calling us out of our comfort zone, it's for a reason. It's usually so that He can use us to impact other people. And so that He can make us more like Him. And if He's the one doing the calling, there's no need to be afraid, because His promise is to fulfill His great plans for us! Don't be afraid to obey God!
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