
Friday, December 28, 2012

Day 363: 1 Kings 17:13

"Elijah said to her, Don’t be afraid. Go home and do as you have said. But first make a small loaf of bread for me from what you have and bring it to me, and then make something for yourself and your son." ~1 Kings 17:13, NIV

God was doing a big thing in Israel - He had forbidden the clouds to produce rain because Elijah had asked, as a sign to the evil King of the time. However, that also meant that the people were suffering, such as the widow Elijah is talking to in this verse. This widow was preparing herself and her son to die, but Elijah asked her to first make him some bread and get him some water.

She was incredulous, but did so, using up the last of her resources. When Elijah told her to go back and make something for herself, oh shock! All of the resources had been replenished!

Elijah was God's voice to this widow, telling her not to be afraid, that He was going to take care of her through the prophet. And today we can also hear God speaking through Elijah, promising to take care of us, to deliver us in our time of need.

He is here, and He loves you, and wants to be as near to you as you will let Him - nearer, more present, even.

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