
Thursday, December 06, 2012

Day 341: Psalm 56:4

"In God, whose word I praise—in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?" ~Psalm 56:4, NIV

David obviously believed in a God who controls the universe and holds tightly to what He has created. He believed in a separation of the body into body, soul and spirit, and knew that the spirit is the element that lasts forever.

David knew body and soul would eventually pass away, but the spirit would always remain. Therefore, he was aware that mortals could do what nature would by killing his body (and thus his soul), but that his spirit was in God's hand.

If the spirit lasts forever but the body exists for only a breath, why fear those who can only harm the body? What could mere mortals do in terms of eternity? Nothing. God, on the other hand, could do a lot, but David trusted as we can trust that in God's benevolence if we trust, accept and follow His son Jesus we can live an eternity of peace.

That is the God we trust and give our fear. The one who loved us so much that He gave the body and soul of His son into the hands of the devil so that when our life is sucked from us, we would not die forever.

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