
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Day 301: Nehemiah 6:11

"But I said, 'Should a man like me run away? Or should someone like me go into the temple to save his life? I will not go!'" ~Nehemiah 6:11, NIV

Nehemiah was faced with a prophesy that told him people were going to come kill him. The prophet told him to go into the temple - God's sacred place - even though he wasn't a priest, for sanctuary.

Nehemiah knew two things: going into the temple would be an act of cowardice (he had been assaulted for doing God's work before, as we may remember from yesterday), and the prophesy could not have been true.

He had been given God's promise, a burden to carry. He could have run - it was the self-preserving thing to do - but it was not God's will for him. And neither is it God's will for his children, us.

God has a purpose for you, and it isn't to run away. He wants you to become His strong child, wise in His ways. There is a time for escape (Paul did it, Jesus did it) and there is always a time to stand for what you know to be true.

Choose your battles wisely, but don't run - just don't fight them all. And know the truth, so that lies don't intimidate you.

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