
Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 289: Mark 5:33-34

"Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth. He said to her, 'Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.'" ~Mark 5:33-34, NIV

The context of these verses is powerful - a leader asked Jesus to come heal his daughter, and Jesus acquiesced. On the way to the leader's house, Jesus was surrounded by a huge crowd. A woman who had been sick for nigh 2 decades, in faith, came up and grabbed His cloak. She was instantly healed: she knew it, and Jesus knew it.

But He didn't know who had been healed, so He asked "who touched me?" Ask that in a moving crowd of people and see the response. It's ridiculous. But Jesus stopped everything in order to give glory to God with the woman's faith.

She knew what happened, and was afraid. And sometimes we are too, when God blesses us beyond belief. But God intends for us to live in a life of blessing, and wants us to reach out to Him with faith and child-like trust in His goodness.

Jesus frees us from our suffering. And He wants us to go in peace and share that fact. We aren't to cower in the corners anymore, we are to stand tall and walk in that knowledge.

Another thing to note is that God takes the time for everyone. He might be "in the middle" of something, but that's never been a reason for Him to ignore His people - even the lowliest of us. He loves us all with an immeasurable love that put Him on the cross for our sins.


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