
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 116: 2 Samuel 22:3

"My God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. He is my refuge, my savior, the one who saves me from violence." ~2 Samuel 22:3, NLT

2 Samuel chapter 22 describes a song David wrote once he had been saved from his enemies, including Saul. As you probably know, David and Saul had a really rough relationship, and David ended up living for fear of his life whenever Saul was around (and often when he wasn't). David never stopped trusting in God, as many of his psalms show, and this song shows a similar flavor.

The song itself is a testimony of praise to the fact that God saved David - it's a "thank you" for all that God had done, and all who He was. The above verse sums up that second thought nicely, don't you think?

David saw God as a rock of protection, his shield, power to save him, and a place of safety. Added to that description is an understanding of God as a refuge, David's savior, and the one who saves from violence.

Who is God for you? Sometimes when we're in the heat of the battle, we don't see God as a refuge, or a shield, or one who saves from violence. It's then, when we feel beaten and unable to rise up again, that we have to choose to believe that He is a shield, He is a refuge, He is worthy of praise and thanks! Those choices make us who we are, make us a better person, make us more similar to His image, make us stronger, and further His kingdom. Better than that, it makes those thoughts that we choose to believe true.

Image: Fotopedia

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