
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day 109: Psalm 142:5

"Lord, I cry out to you. I say, 'You are my protection. You are all I want in this life.'" ~Psalm 142:5, NCV

In life, we get to choose a lot of things. We might not get to choose where we live, who our family is, or how tall we are, but we do get to choose who we hang out with, we do get to choose what we read, and we do get to choose our desires. (Most of them anyways, we inherited some of them from God.) Therefore we can choose to put our focus on God, to decide that He's all we want in this life. To decide to believe that He will protect us.

To decide to ask Him for help.

The brilliant thing about following God is that because of who He is and who He designed us to be, seeking Him first and focusing on God will usually take us places that are thrilling. We'll get to do incredibly satisfying things, things that can't be written down specifically, because each experience will be specifically tailored to who You are. God wants You to be You, so that His friendship with you is genial and fresh, loving and irreplaceable. We can say "You're all I want in this life," but God also says "You're all I want for your life." God wants you to be you!

And you can't be you if you're scared, right? I would bet all of my socks (and my guitar. And my books. And my laptop.) that He didn't create you to be scared. So take courage, put a fresh pair of socks on and go find God. It's worth it.

Image: Fotopedia

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