
Monday, December 31, 2012

Day 366: Matthew 28:10

"Then Jesus said to them, 'Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.'" ~Matthew 28:10, NIV

Today concludes a strange journey I set out upon 365 days ago. I sought to see if indeed, there was a verse for every day of the Gregorian year counteracting fear, and I found... Well. This blog has documented my findings, interpretations, and exhortations of the lack of 365 verses that directly state "fear not," or "don't be afraid". The instances are many, some repeat, but the situations can be boiled down to three: God directly telling His people to fear not, God using angels to tell His people to fear not, and God using other godly men to tell His people to fear not.

After Jesus was risen from the dead, some of His female disciples went to His tomb only to find it empty. This verse is just after He's appeared to them, and they fell down at His feet and worshipped Him, and I think it's a fine word to end this year by.

Don't be afraid - in fact, take what you've learned and share it with the world. Jesus said "go and tell my brothers". His plan is that we should go and tell the whole world this very news: that Christ is risen from the dead, we can be one with God again. For this, this is the good news, and this, this is the reason why we shall never have to fear.

Have a great 2013!

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