
Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 139: Leviticus 26:6

"I'll make the country a place of peace-you'll be able to go to sleep at night without fear; I'll get rid of the wild beasts; I'll eliminate war." ~Leviticus 26:6, MSG

The header of Leviticus 26 (NLT) reads "Blessings for Obedience". Now, lots of people don't recommend taking the headers seriously because they were added in by English scribes and weren't actually part of the original Scripture. But I think the header gives perfect context for today's verse.

Leviticus is a part of the Torah, and explains many of the rules that God gave the Israelites to follow so that they could be righteous and pure in His sight. Verse 3 begins with "if you follow my decrees and obey my commands..." and begins to list off God's promises for the Israelites. The promise to make Israel a place of peace is conditional - if the Israelites obeyed God's commands, then He would fulfill His promise. While we know God works for good in all things (Romans 8:28) we also know that He wants to give His children good gifts - peace of mind. We can ask God for this gift without the stipulation of following every single command in the Torah, because our "if/then" statement has been updated - if you repent of your sins and believe Jesus is Lord, then God will give you peace, or at least He'll help you sleep at night without fear.

Image: Fotopedia

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